JustMoney Explorer: A Hybrid Platform

It’s time to vote guys :fire:
You’ll find JustMoney Explorer in integration track —> I3

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I already vote for Just Money because you guys are doing something really solid


Thanks for the vote for JustMoney Swap: Self-Listing!

You’re half-way there! Just need a vote for JustMoney Explorer in the Integration track (I3) and you’ll be a real JM supporter :grin:

We appreciate your support :pray:t2:


I love working with dark mode when working with PC always


How does JustMoney Explorer help in facilitating informed trading decisions?

By providing all the necessary data for informed trading decisions…

Charts, price, liquidity pools depth and volume, last transactions + the kind of tx (buy/sell/arbi/add remove liquidity), Twitter feed,…

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Ok that is interesting. I just checked your platform now and it look amazing. The provision of chart will help traders in making trading decision. For a user like me who doesn’t know how to read chart, is there any tutorials provided to help us understand the technical analysis in trade?

Oh this is a serious thing because I miss the second voting by mistake and I am going to correct it right now, thank you

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You are welcome, you guys put more more effort so it’s well deserved.


Let’s explore the Justmoney cryptoverse! :telescope:


Very interesting project, one of my favorite projecfs on integration track :hugs:

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once again JM hitting bombs out of the park. :fire:

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With currently 93 votes JustMoney Explorer is leading the votes in the integration track but everything can change in a blink of an eye so if you haven’t yet, let’s show some support and vote —> integration track: I3 :raised_hands:

Next milestone: 100 votes
Second milestone: 200 votes

We can do it :weight_lifting_woman:

This Explorer-dAppStore-data aggregator- dex aggregator is the most accomplished dapp on Tron and deserves to reach the all-time-high votes for a HackaTron :100:


Unbelievable what the Justmoney team has accomplished all these years. Always building, always delivering! :raised_hands:


Just money :heart_eyes: rooting for you team :raised_hands:

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Being a dev, i prefer dark mode it is eye soothing :heart_eyes::raised_hands:


I’m totally in love with the latest dev update! :fire::fire::fire: Imagine having more filtering options to list all transaction events like burn, sell, and buy. :eyes: I already use this dapp daily to track prices, and I can’t wait to use it even more!


Love to imagine the day that sunswap will utilize the JustMoney explorer over tronscan. Gives users the information they need.

Also hope all the community members in the trondao forum try to use this Explorer. Help support other community projects to develop and grow


Big thanks to JM team for adding $BCC token to their Explorer. My boss @fabsltsa thanks for the guidance :pray: