Name Something Exciting TRON DAO Should Do

Oh cool I’m using IOS so I didn’t know thanks mate @Prince-Onscolo

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same, I am using IOS.
Read it from here but still haven’t seen anyone using it

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The forum uses a service called “discourse” They have an app but from what I have seen it is not great. We do have some awesome underutilized Hackathon telegram channels though.


I am here bro, i am reading and i love the inputs you are all bringing out here. :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Hello @HunterTRON, thank you for this wonderful topic and this is what i think i would love the TronDao to initiate.

Yesterday i asked a question about how to create a project on tron. I asked this question on the tronDevGPT from the camp of @TronNinjas and @Stian. This was the answer it gave me, very accurate and straight to the point.

Some of us have been here for a very longtime and all we can do is contribute as community members.

Some of us Tronics wants to also build something cool for Tron.
So i would love if TronDao can create a bootcamp for die hard tronics in the forum on how to create a project on tron

Guide us through the steps and create a new fun category during hackathons for forum contributors to bring out their own projects.

This category will be a side attraction during hackathons. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Please consider us, we need to have some skills out here, cos the amount of energy and time we spend here, this initiative will go a long way to help the tron community in the long run.

Thank you

Would love to see some in-Person meetups in south east Asia! like in Malaysia & Singapore and live hackathon.
Also the weekly tron update would be great if someone could do it in person, like a weekly show or something

TronDao team was in Singapore this month at #Token2049

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I want tron hackatron to be available to all other country to applied like some African I don’t know if too much to ask


You are welcome bro, yeah yeah you have a point. I think we should give Nigerians a chance again.

Stay active bro


Yes I believe they will do better or is it any other regulations affecting?

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mmmm can’t tell maybe someone from the team can help answer this

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Okay it will be best we get addition details


TRON DAO Discussion team should implements tags for past winners which would be very helpful for community members to be able to easily identify and learn from past winners.

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Add support for zk proofs!!


welcome to trondao forum.
stay active


I guess many of the African countries have access or no? Otherwise its not fair at all, to dream big about both Tron and Hackathon it should be available in everywhere to improve it

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it’s available to so many countries… few are excluded ahd I think it is due to some restrictions mate


AS time passes I see more projects about music art and environment more and more which really excites me so damn much :relieved:


Like the idea, how do you think we can make sure that people will create high value articles for example?


Yeaaah! Total agree, check the team LoopNFT. They build something really nice😊