OnChain Vision - Part II

I like the video presentation of your project. Good luck !


Iā€™m late to this update but glad I saw it as at the time I did, testing the app right away and leaving a 5-star review, thanks for all you do.


We integrated the marketing process in our development.

Our stating stage of marketing itā€™s describe here:

if youā€™d like to be one of our first 100 first users let me know

Thanks :white_heart:,

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Thank you so much for the kind words!

With respect :white_heart:,

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We really appreciate your kind words

onchaindev :white_heart:

Thank you for your kind words :pray:

Respect for you kindness,
onchaindev :white_heart:

Thank you so much for your kind words

We really appriciate any feedback!

Note that the NFC functionality is not yet ready.
Will be shortly!

Stay tuned,
onchaindev :white_heart:

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We are working now on the exchange interface.

On next release you will have the posibility to rent before swapping ā€¦

We notice that you cannot estimate Energy before approving a token and for that, the interface might change so you will see the energy required after pressing the swap button.

Thank you for your patience!
onchaindev :white_heart:


Thank you for the update! I appreciate the effort youā€™re putting into improving the exchange interface. The upcoming feature to rent before swapping sounds really promising. I understand the need for the change in displaying energy requirements after pressing the swap button and will adapt to the new interface accordingly. Your teamā€™s hard work is much appreciated, and Iā€™m looking forward to the next release. Thanks for your dedication and patience as well :grinning:

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That will be super cool, renting energy shouldnā€™t be a separate operation, it should be integrated into all dApps to make it function smoothly.


Thank you for sharing. I am reviewing this project based on the video, the slides and a brief look at the app. The GitHub in the submission was not able to access anything.

This project uses WalletConnect to perform app-to-app connections. Where the first app is trying to perform functions on chain, and the second app is responsible for the wallet signatures.

These features make sense and are a best practice for blockchain applications, since they maintain security-in-depth of having all signatures separate.

However Iā€™m not sure how useful this will be as app stores maintain editorial control of the apps that are use whereas most blockchain apps (ā€œdappsā€) strive to be decentralized. For example, the app in the example does not collect social security numbers for US customers. But in the proposed US IRS regulations this would be required for the app shown. (For more on this please see these videos about the coming regulation.)

Please keep it up. And if this will continue to focus on iOS + Android apps, please identify non token-sale relation applications that will be compatible with the upcoming regulations.


Thank you so much for checking our submission.

We are on private mode on GitHub in order to protect our codebase as the technology that we used required a few pieces of information such as:

  • decode/encode parameters abi in kotlin
  • usage of walletConnect v2 on Android with TRON network: chainID, correct usage ā€¦ so on
  • calling the smart contracts through HTTP in Kotlin instead of Tronweb

So we protected our information knowledge due to that(and a lot of copycats which can appear - you can see for yourself other submissions)

Your hosting provider have control over your website, your domain is offer to you by a company, your ISP(Internet Service Provider) have control over your Internet connection so

I consider it to be a false statement.

We strive to offer decentralization (through data collection such as charts from multiple DEX and exchange DEX aggregator- multiple contracts to exchange) I do not see why would you think that other dApps have more decentralization compared to oursā€¦

That is correct other than the address and the signing request that we ask from TrustWallet we do not collect any other data only the visiable transactions data on chain.

As our app is on Play Store ā†’ https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.onchainvision.onchainvision anyone can deduce that we are compliant with any regulations, regarding upcoming regulations up to the point they will be in place I cannot do anything, when the regulation will be in place we will adapt then.

As mentioned, we declared at Play Store that we are doing decentralized exchanges and this is a so-called ā€˜finance appā€™ Play Store at all times will be regulatory compliant, they for sure will inform us of any change in regulations.

As always DYOR and regarding token sales our app does not do/focus on ICO(Initial Coin Offering) in our DEX there is already a volume created and if you accept the price and what you get for what you receive thatā€™s YOUR OWN DECISION.

Thank you!
onchaindev :white_heart:

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Amazing app design! These screenshots look fantastic.

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Thank you Do not forget to download https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.onchainvision.onchainvision!
onchaindev :white_heart:

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Thank youfor you kind wors. Our app is available at https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.onchainvision.onchainvision!
onchaindev :white_heart:

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Any thoughts guys?

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Constant updates could only mean one thing.
Iā€™d like to know, is there a dark theme version of your app?

Yeap :heart_eyes:


This is miles ahead, perfectly soothing for the UI.

We updated the app with in-house renting through NRG and Ergon Thanks to @Sirluke and @TronNinjas for the help in integrating their SDK.

And many thanks to the @JustMoney team that provided guidance through the testing for DEX on the nile network.

You can see the video demonstration here: https://youtu.be/V11-aoW1M4M

Download the app and become our beta tester.
We are online and I will personally provide assistance with the app walkthrough:

Thank you!
onchaindev :white_heart: