Smart Disperse by Team Lampros Labs DAO - Cross-chain Transfers with a Single Transaction to Multiple Wallets

Thank you so much @p612 for your appreciation! :smiley:

Soon we will be releasing new updates we are trying to involve in the platform!

Thank you so much @Jungkookie for your appreciation! :smiley:

Your kind words and appreciation mean a lot! It motivates us to work even harder on delivering excellence!

Thank you so much @Gogle for your kind words! :smiley:

We’re glad that you liked it!

@Euphoria . I have seen and used disperse app and I think the platform you have built is providing more features over the disperse app which makes it more smart as your project name suggest. I tried dispersing and it works well. also the sun swap integration in the project add an great additional feature for sending token which you don’t hold. I think that cross-chain needs to have some UI fixes. I have not tried it as it works with mainnet but I thinks it has a good use case. All the best with the project. hope you will continue to build after the hackathon and make it live on mainnet soon.

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The planning and detailing is unreal for a hackathon!!

Hope you guys win!!

Lets Support Each other!!

Do Checkout my Project also at:-

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Thank you so much @ZeroGravity for the detailed feedback and for trying out our app!

We really appreciate you taking the time to explore the features. Your insights on areas like UI improvements for cross-chain functionality are invaluable.

Rest assured, we’re committed to enhancing the user experience and launching on the mainnet soon. Your encouragement fuels our drive to keep innovating.

Hey everyone,

We did not qualify for this season of Hackatron, we are unsure where we fell short, but we remain committed to keeping our community informed. We extend our sincere gratitude to all the members who shared their thoughts, comments, and feedback throughout the season. Your invaluable contributions played a pivotal role in helping us develop and improve our platform.

Rest assured, we remain dedicated to continuously building and enhancing Smart Disperse. We will be providing regular updates to our community here, keeping you apprised of our progress and developments.

@ines_valerie @Chukseucharia @Okorie @Prince-Onscolo @manfred_jr @WebWhispers @CryptoHaven @Chizz @log_X @MasterShadow007 @Andreaxino @Scrrohmidt @GrabTeam @FelixOttesen @SimbadMarino @Cassiopeia @oynozan @green11 @harvey14 @jack212 @sc_00804 @DeltaMint364 @joy42 @tonystark @Pumbaa @Hivemind @log_X @ps1211 @milesapart @GodFather097 @tanishiX @C4H10O @Bhumi @jacksimmons @p612 @Jungkookie @Gogle @ZeroGravity @BlurryFace

To each and every one of you who supported us during this journey, we express our heartfelt thanks. Your unwavering belief in our vision has been a constant source of motivation. :pray:

Although we did not qualify this time, we will undoubtedly return stronger and more determined in the next season, dedicating ourselves to building and contributing to the thriving TRON ecosystem. Smart Disperse will continue to be developed and improved, as we strive to deliver a platform that exceeds your expectations. :star2:

We also extend our sincere congratulations to the projects that qualified for this season of hackatron. We wish them all the best and hope their contributions will further enrich the TRON ecosystem.


In all honesty, I’m not trying to boost you morale when I say you went above and beyond with your project, each reply was almost like a novel solution to a problem and you nailed it each time with your explanation, your work ethic is undeniable and speaks for itself. Stick around and keep building!!


Better luck next time but all is not over, keep building and have a chance to win from the 3 extra prizes. Thanks for building on tron/bttc


Kudos to your courage to never give up, the community is here any day any time to give their support, kudos for choosing tron , wishing you all the best as you continue to build, the future is bright :sunglasses:


Kudos to the team. I really loved the concept you bought up

hoping to see you in next season brother :v:
keep building, this is just the start :rocket:

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Stay very strong and I don’t think it is over at right now because you can always come back stronger, thank you


Kudos to the team, Keep building and never lose your hope.


Not being selected doesn’t makes u a failure,you are still one of the best and I know next season you will be outstanding.


Thank you for giving us the opportunity to engage with your project. I wish you win from the bonus prizes. Better luck in future hackathon.

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Sorry for your disqualification in the community vote. Better luck to you next time :revolving_hearts:


Its quite Sad to listen that u disqualified but u can try ur luck next time with more good idea
But this project is also very good :fire:


Your appreciation means the world to us.

Rest assured, we will continue to build and improve Smart Disperse with the same dedication and passion.

Your support fuels our motivation to keep pushing forward. :pray:

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Thank you for the encouragement and support.

We appreciate your kind words, and they motivate us to keep pushing forward.

We remain dedicated to building on the TRON/BTTC ecosystem and will continue our efforts to contribute to its growth. :pray:

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Your words of encouragement mean the world to us.

We are grateful for the unwavering support of this incredible community.

With your backing and our determination, we will continue building on TRON, driven by the belief that a bright future lies ahead. :smiley:

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