Tron Direct Debit

Project Name: Tron Direct Debit Crypto Payments

Project Track: WEB3

Team Name: constantinpricope

Team Member(s): 1, @constantinp2022

DevPost URL: Tron Direct Debit | Devpost

Youtube Video: TRON DIRECT DEBIT - YouTube

Project Goal: Make payments over tron network with ease

Project Website:

Project Info/Details:

Thing of a better way to make payment. There are some interesting tech that already exist as design(meaning Direct Debit Payment) and build on top of that concept but adapted to the blockchain tech.

What itā€™s does?

A trust enviroment in a trustless world.
The main goal is to pay the people that offered you some services in an automatic way.
For that a provider/direct debit account is created and is top up with a certain amount(This would be in CeFi a client with a bank account).
Now we have a global budget.
The next step is to set some vendors/suppliers/members of DAO in a whitelist(This would be the old supplier ex: electricity company, phone company, etc).
Now every vendor can emit an ā€œinvoiceā€ which would be paid automatic.
It relies heavily on trust. As magnifican as is a trustless way of payments itā€™s important to remember that we are humans and we rely on trust.

Step 1: GO to WEBSITE
Step 2: Go to add new Direct Debit(New Debit)
Step 3: Add a new Debit Sign the transaction using TronLink
Step 4: ā€˜Add to UIā€™ button and sign
Step 5: The vendor emits an invoice
Step 6: The vendor receives the payment now or later depends on your choise.


This is something like Tron pay right?


I am not exactly sure how tron pay works but from a brief search no. If you are not familiar with direct debit think of a team of developers that want to be paid you are making an budget and allocate each developer an amount(addVendor with max limit). Now each developer can emit an invoice to that budget. The developer will be paid. You can use it to budget a DAO and allow members to emit invoices at there own will. Thatā€™s about it.

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Great, there is nothing like tron pay. Was just using it as example. We have Binance pay but from your explanation, they are not the same. Thanks for your explanation Sir


Binance Pay is a centralize solution there is a huge difference between a dApp and a centralized server. As in many other cases of exchanges you donā€™t even have the token you have just a promise of tokens. The solution in this case is totally open source a user can deploy a smart contract in seconds from UI and you have certainty over your funds. Protect yourself from others that are trying to take your make through ponzi schems of some ERC20 contract that have no use and can be printed with a click of the button.


Alright thank you so much

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Good projectā€¦ keep it upā€¦


Thanks a lot. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:. It means a lot.

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So if i am getting you right, a vendor let say an electricity company will emit an invoice and because u have money in your accounts the invoice will be paid automatically without you worrying to go and make that payment yourself.

Thats wonderful, if that is the case then it begs the question, what if the invoice generated is higher than the amount to be paid, how do u go about it.


TRON is the best and to the moon


That is correct.
The transaction will be rejected by the smart contract. tronDirectDebit/DirectDebit.sol at main Ā· Direct-Debit-Crypto/tronDirectDebit Ā· GitHub line 47 does that. Simple answer the vendor does not get paid. Tron Direct Debit | Devpost Itā€™s added a video for further detail and how to used it. The code is fully functional you can check you must be on shasta testnet. You can check that and play around first.


That is great. Keep it up. Have my eyes on this project and wishing u the best in this hackathon.


Thanks a lot. I am here f you have any other questions. I am happy that there are questions regarding the project. Thanks a lot once again!

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Good work , congratulations :relieved:


thank you so much I really appreciate.


Hola, parece interesante y si es como lo ha redactado, facilita bastantes tareas. Gracias

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ES: Gracias por su aporte, de hecho, hace lo que dice, visite el sitio web y cree su propio presupuesto y pague a quien quiera. Como esto se traduce usando la versiĆ³n EN de Google Check.
EN: Thanks for your input indeed it does what it says check out the website and create your own budget and pay whoever you want. As this is translate using google check EN version.

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One of the best web3 projects Iā€™ve ever seen in this S3. One vote to u guys, maybe u can also check our projects :slight_smile: Btw thanks for explanations

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Thank you so much for your input.

Nice project team. I would advise checking out A2N Finance - Subscription & Recurring Payment on BTTC. Maybe co-integration we improve the adoption of both projects.

Nice project

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