Proposal for organizing the Hackathon section

When there were few projects, it was easy to follow, but gradually it becomes a little difficult :sweat_smile:. I propose to fix in the header of the Hackathon section a topic with a list of projects (possibly with a brief description), as well as links to topics with rules, etc.


Rules TRON Grand Hackathon 2022

List of projects:

dCloud: A Web3 Cloud Storage Mobile app

Cubie 3D NFT GameFi

First Wave by FirstWave - MMO Horror Sci-fi NFT GameFi Play-to-Earn +16


Thank you for your suggestion @FirstWave
At this point, we think the current top navigation should suffice as the user will be able to filter it to show all Hackathon Projects or add a gamefi tag, for example, to check out all gamefi project posts.

Furthermore, the forum system should record your visit and show you which posts are read and which are unread.

We will add navigation links to each project track so users reading the Hackathon rules post can easily navigate to one of these four tracks. Thank you for your feedback.


I believe this was already done under the hackathon post


ok got it. :100: :100: :100: :100: :100: :100: :100:

Agreed with you :yum: now theres many projects